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pheasants of the old world
A Fantastic New Book on Pheasants, Well Illustrated Throughout and Packed with Useful Information for Professionals and Private Breeders Alike. IT Documents Everything from the History of How Birds Came to Be Discovered Right Up to The Bridge. Recently Discovered Information On Keeping And Breeding Them. The Book Describes All 50 Species of Pheasants. The new edition of monograph was enriched with a professional and also exceptional photo - direct from the natural world of pheasants. The book also received a new graphic design. Book condition: new. Shipping to all continents. Cheaply!
Vermeld hier uw reden

Ps, er worden nogal wat "invasieve exoten" gemeld. Waaronder veel Buulbuuls. Daar staat er maar 1, Roodbuikbuulbuul (Pycnonotus cafer, op de Unielijst. Vogels die op deze lijst staan zijn verboden om te kweken of te verhandelen.