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anodorhynchus hyacinthinus/ hyacint macaw
Dear all,
I am selling my Hyacint Macaw couple for personal reasons.

Some information:
-9 Years old
-Chip + original ring.
- Couple since 2015.

NO chicks had! 1 times egg's.

If you have any questions / want photo's/ video or you want to speak to me, send me a message with your email + telephone number.

1 Note! I want to know where you live, i will personally bring my birds, they are my live work and i want to bring them by my self!
This is the only couple i al selling ATM.

Vermeld hier uw reden

Ps, er worden nogal wat "invasieve exoten" gemeld. Waaronder veel Buulbuuls. Daar staat er maar 1, Roodbuikbuulbuul (Pycnonotus cafer, op de Unielijst. Vogels die op deze lijst staan zijn verboden om te kweken of te verhandelen.