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punchbar cage fronts
Welcome to, Number one supplier of punch bar cage fronts, avairy panels and supplies in the UK, formely owned by Kevin MacCarthy of Swindon, the company has moved to Braintree in Essex and now run by me (Jamie) continuing on with Kevin's fantastic craftmanship and work we aim to supply the bird keepeing world with top grade Punchbar , by far the toughest and longest lasting on the market using 14g wire. We will be offering everything that offered plus looking to add new products aswell as the bespoke cage fronts and panels made to order. We can deliver and post dependant on order and location.
Jamie has a long history of bird keeping over the last 30 years, from 9years old keeping irish fancies and mixed aviary birds up to today, being part of the Evans and Taylor partnership breeding fifes at a high novice standard with many colour awards and best fife in show in the 2024 show season, English cinamon canaries, Jamie is the club chairman and very passionate about the breed, we also keep greenfinches and Redpolls.
We are heavily involved with the Bird keepers assosocitaion (BKA) and sponsoring the Bka Southern national Premier show, Colchester cage bird society, Ipswich cage bird society and Dagenham cage burd society. We also try to join and support over CBS clubs we show at through out the year.

We will be in full production from April 7th, please bare with us during this transition period to allow us to get fully set up and everything in place to offer a top service! We will be attending all the main shows/sals though out the year. our first being Stafford Show 5th October!

Thank you Jamie
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Ps, er worden nogal wat "invasieve exoten" gemeld. Waaronder veel Buulbuuls. Daar staat er maar 1, Roodbuikbuulbuul (Pycnonotus cafer, op de Unielijst. Vogels die op deze lijst staan zijn verboden om te kweken of te verhandelen.